Memorial Day 2022 Musings

It’s the day after Memorial Day and I am in a quiet house. It’s a big difference from a few hours ago when the yard and the house were full of people, just like I like it.

I decided that I wanted to have an old school cookout, and we basically made it an open house/open yard type thing. Bring a chair, some food to share, a drink, and a donation for Wounded Warriors. Have a hotdog, a snow cone, some conversation, and some fun. I have to say that it actually went better than I expected.

Somehow, I always forget how much life others infuse into our home when we welcome them in. It’s quiet now, but yesterday, there were a whole lot of little boys taking turns on the trampoline. They threw Snap-its in the air, grew “Black Snakes” out of the driveway, and they all played bean bags, stomp rockets, and tag. They came through the house for watermelon, snow cones, and cookies, and then they ran right back outside.

There were about a dozen teenage girls here and a few boys. They sat in the shade, drew in their sketchbooks, played cards, and hung out. New friends were made. They disappeared into the A/C for stretches of time and then they magically reappeared for more drinks, more chips, and more cupcakes.

The rest of us sat back, watched, talked, and laughed. I heard some crazy stories and some funny jokes, and I even handed out some adult snow cones. There was a very competitive game of Horse in the front yard while there was an even more competitive game of croquet in the backyard. People stopped over, left, came back, and stayed.

Once it got dark, my kids and a couple of friends built a fire and roasted marshmallows. I really love to hear them out there, laughing and talking and just enjoying each other’s company.

I loved every minute of it.

This morning, it’s quiet. Jesse and I have cleaned everything up and the kids put all of the leftovers and the toys away. Today, he and Jed are out working on campers. Sadie and Josie are on a little road trip with three of their friends. Adelaide is sleeping in after two very late nights of birthday fun. I’m soaking in the silence and cleaning up random sticky watermelon juice from the living room floor.

But the house feels more alive. I think people leave sparks of their happiness behind when they visit a place and enjoy themselves. I love that part about opening up my home to others. I am grateful and thankful for days like yesterday… for new friends and old. And for the freedom to have a good, old fashioned cookout.